KABU means to control (in Hindi language). KABU is a real life character who is flamboyant with heavy muscle. He is smart, handsome and intelligent. He is a person who never gets afraid of anything and fights for justice and ethics. He believes in quality as compared with quantity or price. He is on a mission to change the people’s perception towards the quality of waterproofing by educating them. He shares with people about all the negligence of product manufacturers or applicators in the market without any fear. He is open to accepting new ideas from any technical people which should focus on improving the old technology / quality of products / etc.

“Invisible Solution – The Comic” is a story of KABU who is sharing his experience with the people to educate them about waterproofing and other construction chemicals along with paints through a fun filled experience of reading a comic. We hope you would enjoy learning the invisible solutions by a fun based learning process through a comic.

You can freely download all the digital version of our comic’s below.

Comic Name & SeriesDownload Link
Invisible Solution – The Comic Series 1DOWNLOAD PDF
Invisible Solution – The Comic Series 2Coming Soon…

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