Waterproofing Products

We have developed innovative waterproofing products to give you unmatched results as compared to products available in the market. These products are easy to use and economical.

We have also designed various standard applications which any one can apply and also some premium application for which we product application services also.

You can purchase these products from company or through our channel partners.

Innovative Paint

We have developed an Innovative Paint which can be used for interior or exterior application. It can be used at various areas like residential buildings, industrial complexes, warehouses, medical facilities, etc. This paint also acts as an anti bacterial feature to its coating.

Application Service

Application of waterproofing or paint is a specialized services which are more important then choosing a product. We have a dedicated technical team which can provide you with these specialized services for repair and rehabilitation or for new products / constructions.

Our Network

We partner at different level of our business with our growth partners. There are a variety of options available to partner with us i.e. Become a Channel Partner, Become an applicator, Become a Business Associate,

KABU Warranties

Every KABU products comes with a warranty of product. Any client is allowed to apply for the warranty on this website. We request you to kindly read the terms of warranty before applying.

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