About the warranties

KABU WORLD (referred to as “Company” ) offers upto 10 Years Warranty* from date of applicationor purchase of products. 

There are two types of warranty available and they are as follows. 

Material Warranty = (MW1): Material Warranty will be applicable in case of only material purchase from the company or its channel partners is utilized for the standard applications as defined by the company. To avail this material warranty, purchaser (client / applicator) should apply for warranty on the warranty section of this website within maximum 45 days from the date of purchase of material. In case if you have applied for the warranty beyond 45 days from the date of purchase of material then no warranty will be issued for the same.  

Material + Application Warranty = (MLW1): Complete Material + Application warranty can be available only if the application is done through the company for all premium application as defined by the company. There would be no application warranty (MLW1) will be provided to any client in case of application is executed by any contractor other than the company itself for standard or premium application

All the general terms and conditions for the above warranties will be shared with you along with the warranty certificate after the completion of your job in your registered email ID and as per the warranty application received by us by filling the form available on this page. You are requested to kindly read the terms and conditions of the warranty before applying for it from the link below. You can also check the name of applications from the links below which are eligible for respective categories of warranty.

Standard applications eligible for warranty DOWNLOAD (PDF)

Premium applications eligible for warranty DOWNLOAD (PDF)

No other applications are eligible for warranty other than mentioned in above chart of Standard / Premium applications.

Warranty Guide for product / application

Apply for warranty of product / application

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