
Jigar Parekh – A Visionary with experience of Brand Building and Designing Growth now exploring the Construction Chemicals Industry.
Jigar Parekh – A Visionary with experience of Brand Building and Designing Growth now exploring the Construction Chem Jigar Parekh, Founder, KABU WORLD For over 22 years, Jigar Parekh has been actively involved …
Waterproofing Insights
1. What is Waterproofing? Waterproofing is a protective process that prevents water from penetrating into structures like homes, offices, shops, etc. It involves applying a waterproof barrier around areas that are …
Problems during waterproofing applications These are the series of videos related to the problems faced in waterproofing industry of India. These problems are faced by all the people …
Who is KABU ?
Talking about the waterproofing Industry of India – "Problem is about the awareness even if there is a solution" KABU is a real life character who is flamboyant with heavy muscle. …


Jigar K Parekh – Founder of KABU WORLD identified by BTalkz as Notable Personality of India.

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Complete story about the life journey of Jigar’s professional career, featured on BTalkz.

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