Who we are and what we do ?

We are a new age construction chemical suppliers. We have innovated products with international technology but as we believe in Make in India, our products are manufactured in India. We believe in building India with Made in India Products and would also support the economy with our exports.

KABU WORLD is not just the name of a brand but also a world which everyone loves to speak in their day to day life because of its meaning in hindi language which means “to control”. As per psychology it is proved fact that every human loves to control everything around them which gives them the feeling of having power.

KABU the name also symbolizes a real life character which is developed through Artificial Intelligence to interact with people giving a feeling of larger than life. KABU the character is having an image larger than life with his heavy muscle and flamboyant look. He tries to educate the people in the industry on different subjects through his series of Comic’s.

KABU WORLD as a company will be focused on not only supply of construction chemicals but also take active participation for application through collaboration with construction companies.

KABU – The Avtar

KABU the Avtar will be marketed as a real life character which is helpful to people and society. He would be a hero of every youth giving a larger than life image. KABU will be marketed through different mediums of interaction like Comic / Digital cartoon series / Game / merchandise / etc.

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